O maior guia Para Yatzy multiplayer online

O maior guia Para Yatzy multiplayer online

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Spillet blev opkaldt efter det engelske ord ”Yacht”, som betyder en type sejlbåd, og refererer til den oprindelige form for spillet, der blev kaldt ”Yacht Game”.

This is the coolest yatzy dice game ever. Try it now and let us know what you think! We are always improving. It is a fantastic family dice game.

If you throw a Yahtzee and have already scored 50 in the Yahtzee box, you'll get a bonus plus an extra cem points. However, if you throw a Yahtzee, but your score in the Yahtzee box is zero, you get no points.

Se os outros jogadores corresponderem a aposta do jogador inicial, você Pode vir a meter uma aposta lateral com outros jogadores que estão dispostos a corresponderem a Muito mais apostas, se você ainda quiser jogar. Isso Pode vir a incluir apostar pelo passa ou pelo “crap”.

You can roll the dice 3 times at each turn, with the possibility of keeping the one of your choice in between, to complete a maximum of boxes in your scorecard.

Play many free games online. The games online are a great way for entertainment and developing various skills. Have fun with our children safe and family friendly browser games. get more info We do our best to keep the sitio clean.

wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 220,077 times.

Hvis du har venner eller familie, der også spiller yatzy, kan I dele en blok mellem jer. I kan enten spille sammen eller spille individuelt og bruge den samme blok til at registrere pointene. Dette er en økonomisk og social mådo at få adgang til en yatzy blok uden at skulle betale.

 Now you can declare your love for your favorite geek with a set of Dice machined from genuine rose petals set set in high impact resin which is then polished to an unbelievable clarity. Topped off with delicately laser engraved numbers inked in New Gold.

If you've already scored the corresponding number in the top section, you can score it anywhere you like on the bottom.

You have to catch all colored stars spread across many levels. To play, link all the stars of the same color with your finger.

Disregard the dice showing even numbers. Dice showing 2, 4 or seis do not have a dot in the middle of their face. They are not roses and you can disregard them. They don't count when you are adding up the total number of petals around the rose for a particular roll.

Hi. This game is currently not ready for playing, it's in beta testing right now, we'll announce when it's ready.

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